

On Tuesday the puppies turned four weeks and they are 32 days old today.

They are really starting to explore the world outside their puppy pen and they are having a blast! Agility tunnel, balance board and squeaky toys are a hit and they become more fun every day to watch. They are also challenged with the vacuum cleaner , TV and other things belonging in a home. Zarah, Eti and Trold have been given permission by Jemma to say hello and play a little bit with the little ones and it is going super well.







Aura, Arya og Audwin, have for the first time been outside together with all the other dogs. It was all very exciting for them but unfortunately they couldn’t stay outside for too long as it is not very warm outside in the middle of november 🙂





A wonderful sunday, the puppies have been outside to play in the lovely weather and they all fell asleep with their clothes on in the baskets with daddy Eti, mommy Jemma and aunt Zarah. They are such a lovely bunch <3



The girls are sleeping in weird positions while Audwin is teasing mommy and  Zarah <3